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Lord Peter Wimsey Series, Book 1

Deemed „one of the greatest mystery writers of this century“ by the Los Angeles Times, Dorothy L. Sayers first captivated readers nearly seventy years ago with her beloved sleuths Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane in the novel Stong Poison. In Busmans’s Honeymoon, her last completed Wimsey/Vane novel, Lord Peter and Harriet culminated their partnership with marriage. Now Thrones, Dominations, Sayers‘ uncompleted last novel, satisfies the vast readership hungry to know what happened after the honeymoon. Here award-winning author Jill Paton Walsh picks up where Sayers left off, bringing Wimsey and Vane brilliantly to life in Sayers‘ unmistakable voice. Readers and reviewers are rejoicing at the return of this delightful sleuthing couple–as adept at solving a baffling murder mystery as they are a balancing the delicate demands of their loving union.

Autor: Dorothy L. Sayers
Verlag: St. Martin’s Press
ISBN-10: 1429913738
ISBN-13: 9781429913737

1999, Englisch

— EURO 0.00€ —

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