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Historic Religious Buildings of Ontario

The Ontario landscape is dotted with places of worship, from the simple log cabin to lofty cathedrals. Behind each lie personal stories of exceptional individuals and historical events, all of which have helped shape our lives.The lovers of Anne of Green Gables may be pleasantly surprised by Lucy Maud Montgomery’s long association with the Leaksdale Manse just north of Toronto. From the James Bay lowlands comes an unusual example of ingenuity involving a historic Moose Factory landmark, while the poignant love story involving Florence Nightingale and a local minister is depicted in the attractive stained glass window of a church in Elora. A more recent page of history is captured through the side-by-side relationship of a synagogue and mosque. Throughout, Foundations of Faith will delight the armchair traveller and invite the mobile history buff to explore Ontario.

Autor: Violet M. Holroyd
Verlag: Dundurn
ISBN-10: 1554881684
ISBN-13: 9781554881680

1991, 176 Seiten, Englisch

— EURO 0.00€ —

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