Scotland in turmoil. Robert Low at his best.
A nation s independence hangs in the balance.
After fleeing to France following his defeat at the Battle of Falkirk, William Wallace has returned to Scottish soil to face his fate. But Robert the Bruce now stands between him and the crown. Warring factions, political intrigue and vicious battles threaten at every turn. Both men face uncertain futures, their efforts thwarted by shattered loyalties, superstition and rumour.
In these troubled times, it is murder, treachery and the bitter rivalry amongst Scots nobility that will shape the long and bloody rise of Robert the Bruce to his coronation.
ISBN-10: 0007337949
ISBN-13: 9780007337941
Grösse: 1.01 MB
2012, 400 Seiten, Englisch
— EURO 0.00€ —
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