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Australia’s First Families of Wine

A look at the famous families who pioneered the Australian wineindustry over generations
Heart and Soul takes you on a journey through the history, thepeople, the vineyards, and the regions of Australia’s most famouswineries. Chronicling the triumphs and travails of the families wholed the way, the book offers an exciting showcase of Australianwine history in all its diversity and deliciousness.
With more than 1,200 years of winemaking experience betweenthem, the first families of Australian wine share stories that areas rich and varied as the wines they produce. It covers theirrelationships with the land itself, their ascent in the industry,the inspiration behind their signature wines, and the passion thatgoes into every vat. Exclusive photographs, wine labels, regionalmaps, and informative sidebars are peppered throughout.
* With a Foreword by Australia’s beloved wine commentator, JamesHalliday
* Rare and fascinating photographs appear throughout thebook
* This is the definitive book on the history and personalities ofthe Australian wine industry
For anyone who loves Australian wine, Heart and Soul is amust-read volume that is sure to enlighten and entertain.

Autor: Graeme Lofts
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN-10: 1742469264
ISBN-13: 9781742469263
Grösse: 50 MB

2012, 360 Seiten, Englisch

— EURO 0.00€ —

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