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Children of all ages will love these cute knitted finger puppets. They’ll encourage creative play and storytelling, and are bound to become much-loved favourites in the toy box. You can choose from a variety of 12 friendly characters and animals. The puppets are fun and easy to make, and every project is accompanied by clear instructions describing how to achieve perfect results. You can follow them to the letter or use them as a basis for your own creations. In addition, a techniques section explains all the basic skills needed, making them suitable for experienced knitters and novices alike. Small and quick to knit, these designs are an ideal way of using up oddments of yarn and make perfect portable projects for knitters on the go.

Autor: Susie Johns
Verlag: GMC
ISBN-10: 1784940135
ISBN-13: 9781784940133

2015, 47 Seiten

— EURO 0.00€ —

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