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The National Book Award-winning third novel in the renowned Earthsea series from Ursula K. LeGuin.

In this third book in the Earthsea series, darkness threatens to overtake Earthsea: The world and its wizards are losing their magic. But Ged Sparrohawk—Archmage, wizard, and dragonlord—is determined to discover the source of this devastating loss.
Aided by Enlad’s young Prince Arren, Ged embarks on a treacherous journey that will test their strength and will. Because to restore magic, the two warriors must venture to the farthest reaches of their world—and even beyond the realm of death.

With millions of copies sold worldwide, Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea Cycle has earned a treasured place on the shelves of fantasy lovers everywhere, alongside the works of such beloved authors as J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.

Autor: Ursula K. Le Guin
Verlag: Simon + Schuster Inc.
ISBN-10: 1442480831
ISBN-13: 9781442480834
Grösse: 2.15 MB

2012, 288 Seiten, Englisch

— EURO 0.00€ —

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