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First published in 1974. As logician, economist, political theorist, practical politician and active champion of social freedom, John Stuart Mill is a figure of continuing importance. In this book the author does full justice to the range of Mill’s achievements, providing an introductory guide to his most important and best known writings including Autobiography, A System of Logic, Utilitarianism, Liberty, and The Subjugation of Women. In their treatment of his works, the author seeks to emphasise Mill’s approach to those issues – education, the conflict between social order and individual freedom, the unresolved state of the social sciences, rights and duties of citizens in a democratic state – which remain most alive to us today. At the same time Mill is seen as part of his own age, responding to the anxieties that beset his contemporaries. This book will be of interest to students of politics and philosophy.

Autor: Alan Ryan
Verlag: Taylor and Francis
ISBN-10: 1134833938
ISBN-13: 9781134833931

2016, 295 Seiten, Englisch

— EURO 0.00€ —

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