There is motor aphasia (e.g. Broca s aphasia), sensory aphasia (e.g. Wernicke s aphasia) and global aphasia. In this essay I will describe the so-called Korsakoff Wernicke aphasia (KWA), which is an aphasia combined with different types of amnesia. Amnesia is a memory disorder and this essay suggests that memory disorders have consequences for human communication and must therefore be also regarded as communication disorders. I will describe the characteristics of Korsakoff Wernicke aphasia, locate it in a diagram, mention some test methods for its appeal and cite case studies. Furthermore I will illustrate the memory defect with a memory model. Korsakoff s syndrome is severe amnesia that is the result of strong alcohol abuse. Korsakoff s syndrome is defined as Korsakoff s syndrome (Korsakoff s psychosis): an organic disorder affecting the brain that results in a memory defect in which new information fails to be learnt although events from the past are still recalled, disorientation for time and place; and a tendency to invent material to fill memory blanks (see confabulation). The commonest cause for the condition is alcoholism, especially when this has led to deficiency of thiamin (vitamin
… mehr B1). Large doses of thiamin are given as treatment. The condition often becomes chronic.[S.S. Korsakoff (1854-1900), Russian neurologist] (Oxford Concise Colour Medical Dictionary, 1998).
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Verlag: GRIN Verlag
ISBN-10: 3640094832
ISBN-13: 9783640094837
Grösse: 0.51 MB
2008, 11 Seiten, Englisch
— EURO 0.00€ —
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