Talk about being sucker punched. The runaway kid sitting in Police Chief Nic DiLeo’s chair with her feet propped up on his desk belongs to his family–no doubt about it. But her father isn’t one of his five brothers.
It’s him. She’s his daughter with Megan Bell.
Nic was crazy about Megan in high school…until she vanished from his life with no explanation. The bigger secret, however, isn’t the daughter he didn’t know. It’s Megan and how he still feels about her. She’s more beautiful now and even more of a temptation. Suddenly the man who wanted to drop commitments is looking for ways to tie himself to Megan…permanently!
Verlag: Harlequin
ISBN-10: 1426889674
ISBN-13: 9781426889677
2011, Englisch
— EURO 0.00€ —
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