His name is Dave Genz, and he drove the modern ice fishing revolution.
For the first time, hear the whole story, through his eyes, in a new book that traces the timeline 60 years into the past all the way forward to today.
The story itself is compelling. But there’s something else in here. As you read, you’ll pick up all the elements, all the refinements, that make up the Winter Fishing System.
Make it to the end and you’ll understand what it takes to catch fish through the ice, no matter where that ice forms. That’s what this book, and Dave’s Hall of Fame career, are all about.
Verlag: Book Baby
ISBN-10: 1624885136
ISBN-13: 9781624885136
Format: .ibooks.pdf.epub.kindle.djvu.fb2.mobi.doc.mp3.ogg
Grösse: 9.17 MB
2012, 112 Seiten, Englisch
— EURO 0.00€ —
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