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And Count a Little, Too!

This package has to get to town, but the delivery truck has broken down! Sporty cars, rumbling tractors, slow diggers, fast planes… Follow the deliveryman as he hitches a ride on every vehicle imaginable to deliver his very important package. Count and spot all the vehicles on every page along the way in this great adventure. A bright and busy book to keep you and your little one searching, spotting, reading, and counting together again and again!Winner of the Parents‘ Choice Fall 2015 Fun Stuff award! Parragon is the largest illustrated non-fiction publisher in the world and a global leader in innovative digital books for children in many languages. Welcome to the world of Parragon!

Autor: Steve Smallman
Verlag: Parragon Books Ltd.
ISBN-10: 1474848893
ISBN-13: 9781474848893

2016, 32 Seiten, Englisch

— EURO 0.00€ —

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