download / herunterladen ebook LEBANESE SHI ITE LEADERSHIP, 1920 1970S

Personalities, Alliances, and Feuds

This book examines the coalitions and relationships within the power centers of Shi’ite politics during the era of political feudalism in Lebanon. The author maps the Shi’ite leadership and its inter-connections, including the alliances and rivalry between prominent Zu’ama, clans, and Ulama‘ from the formation of Lebanon in 1920 to the decline of old Shi’ite politics and the emergence of popular movements in the 1970s. The work also explains the role of prominent intellectuals within these power centers.

Autor: Omri Nir
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
ISBN-10: 3319430149
ISBN-13: 9783319430140
Grösse: 1.74 MB

2016, Englisch

— EURO 0.00€ —

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